Thank you for considering purchasing a used item from our online store. We want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the conditions and expectations associated with buying pre-owned products. Please take a moment to read this disclaimer carefully before making your purchase.

Product Description and Condition:
We strive to provide accurate and detailed information about the used items available in our online store. However, please note that the condition and appearance of pre-owned products may vary from one item to another. While we make every effort to describe the products as accurately as possible, there may be slight variations or imperfections that are inherent in used items. We encourage you to review the product descriptions, including any provided images, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the item's condition.

Inspection and Testing:
Although we undertake a thorough inspection and testing process to ensure the quality of our used items, it is important to understand that some issues may not be apparent until the item is physically examined. While we make every effort to identify and disclose any known issues, we recommend that you visit our shop for a firsthand inspection. This will allow you to assess the item's condition personally and make an informed decision.

Return Policy:
We offer a comprehensive return policy to provide you with peace of mind when purchasing a used item online. In the event that you encounter any unforeseen issues or are dissatisfied with your purchase, we will gladly accept returns within a specified time frame. However, please note that transportation costs associated with returning the item will be your responsibility.

Visit Our Shop:
To enhance your buying experience and ensure complete satisfaction, we strongly encourage you to visit our physical shop. By doing so, you can personally inspect the item, ask any questions you may have, and gain a better understanding of its features and condition. Our knowledgeable staff will be available to assist you and address any concerns.

Please be aware that the availability of used items listed on our online store is subject to change. Due to the nature of our business, there is a possibility that an item may be sold at our shop before we can update its status online. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Warranty Information:
Used items may not come with the original manufacturer's warranty. However, certain products may still be covered by our own warranty or guarantee. Please check the product listing or contact our customer support team for more information regarding warranty coverage on specific items.


We hope that this disclaimer has provided you with valuable information and has encouraged you to visit our shop to make an informed decision. Our aim is to ensure your satisfaction with your purchase, and we are here to assist you throughout the process.

Should you have any further questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. We look forward to serving you and providing you with a positive shopping experience.

Sonic Rage Records